Fall has arrived, leaves are changing colors, the air is crisp and clean. I normally love this time of year but I must admit I was not ready to say goodbye to summer. I have resisted long pants and closed toe shoes for as long as possible but it is officially here. Along with fall coming to our house so has the flu. Yuck. Not sure if it was the dreaded H1N1 or just the regular but it was not fun either way. Cade was home almost the whole week, I came down with it mid week and Molly is currently dealing with it. Micah and Annie are in the clear so far. In the middle of all the sickness we had our new carpet installed. I don't like chaos and I don't like being sick or having sick kids. All three combined nearly sent me over the edge! It's a new week and I am resigned to give into fall, pull out sweaters and jackets and give up the flip flops, sterilize from top to bottom with CLOROX and in the middle of it all, take a nap on my fluffy soft carpet! It really is the little things that make me happy!