Friday, June 10, 2011

Complete Adoration

Growing up with 3 sisters (and the most amazing brother whom I will tribute later) I always hoped that I would get to have some little girls. I could imagine them playing together for hours, creating fun games with each other. A few of our childhood favorites were playing our version of The Boxcar Children, dogs......I was princess and Rich was prince. (should have been the other way around but that's a different post entirely) Thanks to Alison we had some killer middle of the night monopoly sessions. Kristen aka Friday Allen was a hoot to play school with and we had our very own "special walk". I can still see Friday as a helicopter hair do skunk outfit wearing 4 year old! Erika was the ring leader of most of the creative play, she was the inventor of us playing The Mandrell Sisters. (I was Erlene, the drummer) Even today I count the three of them as my best friends and wish at least one of them lived by me. Life would then be perfection! Annie and Molly have a special bond. Annie is a calming influence to Molly's spitfire! I hope as they grow they will continue to love each other and watch out for one another. There is nothing quite like a sister!

"I could never love anyone as I love my sisters"
L.M. Alcott, Little Women