Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm slipping

Do you ever think back to the days when you only had one child? Clean house, clean laundry, dinner on the table.....scheduled play dates, trips to the library twice a week for story time.......closets organized, garage organized and an overall calmer life? Back in those days I thought I was so busy, what an idiot I was. I LOVE my children dearly but life is much more chaotic (those of you with more than three kids please stop rolling your eyes) I'm not sure if my standards are lower or if I just care less, but either way I feel I am slipping a bit. Not so much of a schedule these days, laundry is usually done (NEVER the ironing!) we do eat but we have lots of pancakes and waffles for dinner, not much is organized and story time? Right. All I can say is that I am pretty sure the toilets had be cleaned in the last month. Lysol still works after a month right? I love my life.

downstaris bath looking messier than usual
Great, hand in toilet then in mouth. Delicious.

Oh well, she was happy as a clam!


  1. What do you mean, NEVER the ironing? You're slipping. Good, welcome aboard! ;) Ginger

  2. Last night as i stepped over piles of Polly pockets, and got poked by a Cub Scout pin in my heel, I, too, realized I was slipping.

    Better yet, I had fallen and couldn't get up. At the end of the day, are the kids really going to remember their clean house as their best memory of childhood? doubt it. you are doing great. SOme days will always be better than others.

  3. Ahhh, the days of loving the toilet. Cole and Sadie didn't have a problem with it, but Jayda sure did love that disgusting toilet! I'm glad you are joining with some of the rest of us...pancakes and waffles becoming a food group. :) love ya!

  4. who are you and what have you done with Andrea??? :) Ya only live once, right!

  5. Welcome to the club! I only have 2 and can't keep up. :)

  6. you need Brittany Holt to move closer to you... too bad she's mine.
