Tuesday, September 29, 2009

School updates/Playground rules

I have decided one difference between boys and girls is.......COMMUNICATION! It shouldn't be that big of a shock since I have lived with your basic non-communicator for the last ten years! A typical conversation with Cade goes something like this:

How was school?
What did you do?
What did you learn?
just stuff
How was recess?
good, I just played
With who?
lots of people

Then there is a typical conversation with Annie:
How was school?
It was so much fun, we sang songs, colored pictures, had a snack, it was juice and string cheese, I listened to Miss Denise but some of the kids didn't. Insects have three parts to their bodies and six legs. I looked so cute today, my hair was curly not straight. generally she gets through this in one breath!

Tonight at dinner I did get a few minor details from Cade about recess. He plays chase with some boys and girls. I asked what happened when he got caught, praying is was NOT kiss tag. He informed me that kissing was not allowed and that nothing happens to him because he is way to fast to get caught. All I can say is KEEP RUNNING!


  1. Oh my goodness, that picture of Molly in her carseat kills me! She was sooo little! I love the difference between your kids' updates. That is so true!

  2. So Annie is a talker, who would have guessed that one? I mean its not in her genes

  3. I wish I had a girl to liven up my school conversations with my 2 boys :). Just once in a while a little detail without threats would be nice.
    And yes, keep running Cade, no one can catch those fast little legs!

  4. tackle that Cade for me and give him a big fat kiss
