Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Attention! As this is my first official post...Alison is blogging... I will need a shout out from all those in the blogger world. Funny how I am posting about Andrea's children and not my own. But whatever. You would all think me insanely hilarious and that's all Erika and Kristen have going for them. Therefore, I will leave it be.

Annie, again, was summoned to the hospital. It is now renamed St. Randall in lue of MLR's generous quarterly donation. I became the nanny. Here's what I learned.

1. Andrea talks to her children as if they were adolescents. Even I put myself in time out.
2. Molly is a highly intelligent 2 year old. Whenever I answer a question correctly she replies, "Yes it is". It's like playing reverse Jeopardy.
3. Cade liked my cinnamon muffins. Thanks Betty Crocker.
4. My kids have too many socks.
5. Without the proper supervision, Molly is likely to become an exotic dancer. Nothing like watching tv naked.
6. Annie is a pro at hospitals. She tells the orderly what size needle to use and what meds work best in her nebulizer. A career in pediatric pulmonology would be appropriate for her.
7. Words with Friends is my new hobby....no wonder Ange gets nothing done.
8. I cook better for my sister's family than I do my own. Minus the one burnt batch of cookies.
9. Texting sisters late at night is wet your pants funny...which I didnt't Kristen.
10. At any time, I can assume the identity of Andrea Randall as per my Costco visit and phone conversations with friends. I even withdrew money from her bank account.

All in all, it was a great visit and glad to be able to help. See you at St Luke's in a few months!


  1. Hilarious! I need to get you a job at St. Randall so you can get the employee discount :) Glad Annie is feeling much better!

  2. I'm pretty sure you should have your own blog! Work on it would ya!

    Glad Annie is feeling better.

  3. that was an awesome post! Love it!! :)

  4. I was going to say ANGE POSTED!

    Glad you did allison!

  5. Oh Alison, you forget I have looks and laughter.

    Ange- stop having sicklings. Thanks for not updating me until we were in the clear. Continue with said protocol indefinitely.
