Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Back by popular demand

Not that anybody is demanding an update or necessarily wants to hear one but here it is none-the-less. First, as per the previous post, thank you Alison for coming to rescue us during yet another fantastic getaway. And by getaway I mean the lovely accommodations at St. Lukes Regional Medical Center. We enjoyed a unforgettable 3 day stay with Annie in the PICU. Those rooms are much bigger than out on the regular floor and you get much more one on one attention from the nursing staff. However, be very prepared to pay extra for it! Seriously though, I absolutely can't say enough good about all the respiratory therapists, nurses and doctors who worked with us. It is a wonderful hospital and I highly recommend it should a need ever arise. We actually started out in the emergency room at the Meridian branch and got a first class ride in an ambulance downtown. Good times. We did however finally discover that Annie has asthma. She is on daily medication and is doing great! Two weeks after Annie's stay we were there once again with Molly. She had her tonsils removed and had a fairly major sinus surgery. She was also lucky enough to be booked in the PICU. I swear the staff thinks that I have Munchhausen by proxy. Google it. It was a very rough recovery for poor Molly, but Ali stepped in and took Cade and Annie for the week so that we could focus on the pops. (Molly) She actually did great drinking but refused food for several weeks. Poor thing weighs 23 lbs. As Erika pointed out I pretty much need to put my almost 3 year old in a rear facing infant seat! She feels so much better and just the other day Micah and I were talking about how much happier she seems. It's true, she has mellowed a TON!!! We also discovered that she too has asthma. We are 3 for 3. (I am blaming this on the Randall genes, we Byram's are a "hearty" bunch) During all this Cade was keeping busy with soccer, piano and scouts. He loved soccer this season, his last 2 games were Saturday and he scored 4 goals in the first game! He had his first piano recital a few weeks ago and did fantastic. He and I played a duet and it was a big moment for me to realize just how fast he is growing up! He is a wonderful big brother and showed lots of concern while the girls were sick. Photos to follow.

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