Monday, November 2, 2009

A look back

Taking a look back over the last 10 days I really REALLY wish we only had the flu. Last thursday we took Annie to the doctor, she had been up early that morning and we could tell she was having difficulty breathing. She seemed to fight off whatever Cade and I had but then it hit her hard. We took her for a chest x-ray and the right lung was FULL of pnuemonia, her oxygen levels were also dipping well below normal. The doctor told us to head to the hospital and she might only have to stay 24 hours. (that may have happened for any "normal" family but not us!) Cut to Friday morning......

8 am chest x-ray was looking worse, a complete white-out

9 am CAT scan shows a HUGE pocket of fluid in her chest cavity that has collapsed her lung. It was a pancake right by her heart.

10 am I am told she needs to be in the ICU......

Later that day they sedated her and put in a chest tube and a PIC line (for antibiotics and to give her nutrition) The doctor told us how serious her condition was, very very scary. She remained in the ICU until Tuesday morning and then transferred to the regular floor were she stayed until Thursday. We have her home and she is recovering nicely. She is very tired, looks pale and has lost weight. My scale said 31 lbs. Her lung is re-inflated but it will take 2 months for it to heal completely. She ended up with Strep A, which generally causes strep throat but for some reason it entered her respiratory system. She also had Strep A in her PIC line which meant it was in her blood stream. She was a fighter through it all and should not have any long-term effects. We are so grateful for her recovery and grateful for the fasting and many prayers on her behalf. He was listening.


  1. We are so happy she is doing better! Good luck!

  2. Please don't tell me events until an outcome has happened. I got re-anxiety just reading this. Miss her!! Love her!!

  3. Poor thing. I am so glad she is recovering and doing better.

  4. Poor girl, poor parents! I am glad she is doing better. It's going to be a long winter. Hope she stays healthy as do you all. Ginger

  5. Andrea,
    I'm so sorry that you all had to go through that. What a long and difficult several days that must have been. But, I am glad to hear that she is home and recovering. What a sweet girl.

  6. I'm crying just reading this!! I had no idea. I'm so sorry! I'm glad that she is doing ok. That little girl had no weight to lose!! She's all bones. We love her and are glad she is home and ok!!

  7. Wow, Ang...I'm so sorry for what you've all been through! I'm also so, so glad she's doing better!

  8. what a week. you were in our thoughts and prayers. So glad to hear she is on the road to recovery.

  9. We are thrilled that she is home. Cole and Sadie still pray for her every day. We love you guys!

  10. I kept it together until the last line... "He was listening." He was indeed and we are very blessed.
