Thursday, November 19, 2009

wwf randall style

I love how ingenious my kids can be. We have a room FULL of toys, books, puzzles, board games, card games, craft projects an so on. Sometimes these items actually get played with, but often they make up silly games that require imagination only. Lately they have been in to making forts, using EVERY blanket, towel, pillow and sleeping bag we own. Then one day it got dangerous. Sliding down the stairs in the nylon sleeping bags........honestly it is an accident waiting to happen but whatever, they were having fun. Then the fun escalated. Thanks in large part to dad. The items mentioned above all ended up in a heap on the landing of the stairs. Cade and Annie began jumping from the top steps into the pile. Micah turned it up a notch and started throwing them into the pile. He did exercise some parental caution and only launched them from about four stairs up, not the top. Good times at the Randalls. St. Lukes here we come.....again!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun... with some potential danger! Great mix! :)
