Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Am I being punished?

It has taken a couple of weeks for me to get up the courage to post..... On the day this occured I felt as though I was being punished..... even now, weeks later, I am still upset. Why did this happen so soon? My baby is CRAWLING! Molly apparently didn't get the memo, NO CRAWLING until at least one year old. She has extremely good control over her body and if she is walking by Sept. 23 I may need to be hospitalized.


  1. It does feel like a punishment!! No more relaxing when the other kids are at school..... but it is pretty cute :)

  2. Andrea, look at that face! How lucky you are that you get to every single day! Wouldn't be nice if our "babies" would stay that way until we decide for it to change. Ginger

  3. Maybe Johnny and Molly got their memos swapped! :) But I'll start praying that she doesn't feel like walking any time soon...

  4. I can tell you right now, she didn't get the coordination from any gene you contributed. I can't wait to see her!!! 2 weeks!
