Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Random Randall Facts

So I thought it might be fun to list a few facts about our family, these are just a few of the highlights.

1. The parents have known each other for almost 20 years
2. We have been married almost 10 years
3. Cade doesn't mix food. For example, he eats all the meat first, then salad, then veggies.
4. Annie says "fableeus" and "family home evenling"
5. We love to watch AFV on sunday nights (America's Funniest Videos)
6. Micah HATES mac and cheese
7. I LOVE mac and cheese
8. Cade thinks Micah knows everything
9. Annie has to have lipstick and perfume on everday and rarely leaves home w/o her purse
10. I love The Biggest Loser and I cry at some point during every episode
11. Micah makes fun of me every week for crying!
12. Molly just started growling like a dog!

Hope you enjoyed the "Random Randall Facts"


  1. Anj...I love you! It's so fun to read your blog. You are mahvelous!

  2. thanks for the smiles... and paying my Maceys bill. xoxo

  3. I will now be blog stalking you.
    As always you are my favorite sister (don't let the rest know that)

    ♥ Celina

  4. Fableeous! Move to Utah would you??
